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ESL Podcast 1232 – Intimidating a Coworker
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to know full well” and “to pack it in.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Common New Hire Orientation.”
“When new employees ‘come on board’ (begin working at a company), they typically are required to participate in certain ‘orientation’…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 567
Topics: American Authors – Gertrude Stein; Famous Songs – “Puff the Magic Dragon”; sport versus workout versus exercise; to come across versus to stumble upon; debaucherous behavior
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Dungeons and Dragons is a popular ‘role-playing game,’ or a game in which each player pretends to be a particular character and uses words…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 1233 – Improving Flexibility and Mobility
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to lift” and “to squat.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Mary Lou Retton.”
“Mary Lou Retton, often referred to as America’s ‘Sweetheart’ (a term of endearment; a word used to show affection and love for someone)…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
Hello everyone
Internet is so entertaining.
I started out looking for “short-circuited” comment made by US presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and after
a few articles ended up on Twitter looking at all the posts under the ashtag #what makes Hillary short circuit.
That’s funny. There are a lots of funny people out there. That must be recognized.
I must say that I am enjoying this, let’s call it, political circus …and to those that are complaining I say..look around the world and observe the alternatives that other countries have to offer…I do not see much better options out there.
Thanks and have a nice weekend everyone.
Just to share a new interesting term learned while reading a science article on sunflowers.
That would be “heliotropism”. That would be the term that describes the movement of flowers following the sun east to west.
Very fascinating. I am also learning that it’s used to define those animals that move towards the light. I cannot think one of those.
Perhaps some fish that from the bottom moves up to the surface, maybe? I do not know.
Hello, people. My first try on listening to ESL podcast 1232 – Intimidating a Coworker was useless. I’ll try later.
From Brazil
No matter what has happened, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what you will do. I will always there be for you. I swear it.
Fron Brazil
This time I succeeded on listening ESL podcast 1232 – Intimidating a Coworker and it was a good one with new words, new expressions, but the best was listening the voices of Jeff and Lucy. Thanks, masters, for the lesson.
From Brazil
Hey Lucy
The food episode:awesome
I mean the latest episode is awsome !!!
A huge change of pace u got there, I tell u
Thank you up and down for the great podcast episode
Couldn’t be better !!
Hey folks ,
how have u been ?
I m catching up with u guys.
Now , I have some spare time on my hand which I plan to burn through listening to amazing jeff get us up to speed with the fresh materials on Lucy scripts.
Pretty spyched about it.
The thing is I have been crazy busy lately selling my place ,getting a new one. The transition finally done
The closing date is sept 6th
Which is the day home keys exchange hands.
The deal is sealed.
I gave away a lot of stuff. I called a bunch of thrift stores around town and let them know that I have tons of bric-a-Brac and knickknacks to spare along with furniture , appliances , and clothing.
U guessed right
I m downsizing
The thing is
Canadian dollar has slumped to a 10 years low and Canadians economy has slowed steam as a result.
The mortgage monthly payment on my current place is too steep for my blood.
U know for the past few months I had to cut corners significantly!!
Well , sure , giving up the place- that I made lots of memories in -bums me out.
Well ,no could do
Forces greater than my will wanted me to sell my place -that are-bad economy and stagnant salaries.
But , to stay on the bright side of things , my current place is located at outskirts.
My new place ,though , is right in core downtown which gives me a lot of night life 🙂
See ,a huge plus right there 🙂
Toronto’s bar and club district, entertainment district if u will , is within walking distance.
That ,alone ,will bring me a lot of pleasure,i tell u.
my new place ,it is tiny but looking over CN tower and Lake Ontario.
Not too shabby for a lowly employee ,Hun !? :)))
Well , selling it very challenging; demanding high ,in tune,negotiation skills
It is a lemon at best ,folks
Ant interested in purchasing a Toyota -model R4V 1999
I mean
Make is Toyota
Moddle R4V
I m telling u folks
There is a significant cut there.
Let me tell u sth ,by comparison , car insurance premiums in the province of Ontario are the world’s highest.
See ? a major set back will be eliminated right there.
Living in the core of downtown , u don’t need to drive around for the most part.
All u need is near by
Grocery stores
Bars ,clubs
Work places
Besides ,
One less thing I need to worry about ,right ?
It is all going down sept 6th
Home keys will change hands
Furniture will be moved out of the old place and in the new place
U know ,
When life throws a curve at u
U need to take it by the horn
U can not just sit around whining all day long about it
It doesn’t work like that
U need to roll with punches
You know ,fate is a funny animal
Who knows one day I will be able to down town Toronto.
I know
U r thinking Peter is a pathological lier
Core downtown must be so
My wise friends
U guessed right
Well , here comes the bittersweet part of the story
Between you and me and the lamp post , the place was in the market in foreclosure!
I got it in a one time payment
That is right ,folks
No mortgage oaynent for Peter anymore
U know
It is not one hundred percent true
Even in foreclosure the price was relatively high
I had to borrow money a lot of bad people.
So still have to make the bill payment for that
But totally worth it!!
Don’t judge me guys
U know , it was not my fault that the dude defaulted on the instalment
And failed to meet his financial obligations.
I just was at the right time ,and in the right place
I had been lurking around the market for like two years the split second port unity present itself I swooped in and snatched it
It take perseverance ,right there
U know guys
In Grocery stores around here , there is a part allocated for price_reduced product
There are typically a bunch of grey shelves at the very back of the store tucked in a damped ,dark ,dingy corner
They are called price-reduced shelves
All the price-reduced stuff is put over there ranging from bread to tubs of yogurt and stuff.
The grey shelves were my only grocery store for the past year.
Wise saying: be very careful of who you share your problem with, remember that not every friend that smile at you is your best friend. And more: your best friend has a best friend who is not you.
From Brazil