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ESL Podcast 934 – Watching Special Effects
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to blow up” and “to mess with (one’s) mind.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Landmarks in Special Effects.”
“The history of American filmmaking is ‘marked’ (characterized) by many ‘landmarks’…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 418
Topics: American Authors – Dorothy Parker; how to become a nurse; athlete versus player; hazard versus risk; to quit versus to call it a day
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “The Shortage of Nurses in the U.S.”
“According to the American Hospital Association, 1998 was the year hospitals began to experience a ‘shortage’…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 935 – Showing Signs of Age
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to thin” and “character.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Methods men Use to Appear Younger.”
“In American society, it is common for women to do things to ‘appear’ (seem to be) younger…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
It seems I am the first again and I am very proud of it. This next week promises to be impressive with the POSCASTS anounced above by Jeff/Lucy. I am looking forward it. Let’s just wait.
Aecio from here.
There is not bigger stupidity that trying to teach who does not want to learn, gatufo´s proverb.
Flu and lie have a lot in common, always hurt the affected by them, anonymous proverb.
Person owns their silence but are slave of their words, Spanish proverb.
From the tree of silence hangs the fruit of safety, Arabian proverb.
Silence is a Wall around the Wisdom, Arabian proverb.
So, Silence is Golden…. A song of The Tremeloes
Hey Jeff,
There Lucy brought methods for you!
“Methods men use to appear younger” in the culture note of #935.
But better off not to use them.
You’re perfect the way you are now
and just feel better about yourself.
You go all out when it comes to writing scripts.
You cover every nook and cranny, all subjects that is.
Every week good scripts are being pumped out from your head. You are that smart.
With a smart teacher with humor sense explaining your second-to-none scripts,
who are the guys who have good command of English other than us, your listeners?!
Always Yours
Myo ko ko
Writing from home sweet home Myanmarn
these are wisdom pearls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emiliano, in my opinion that is the best comment ever. Congratulations! What are friends for? Friends should never die. Do you agree?
Aecio from nowhere.
Of course Aecio, I do think so.
Thanks ilmarruci, I think they are.
I have another of my own, yes I have, it is difficult of following and every day
I repeat it in soft voice to me…, ja,ja, may be I talk too much…
“My mouth it has to be closed but my mind must be open instead”.
Too much to think about.
good working
Today like yesterday
is the same
to be born it was
to be dead it is
equel for me, for you
live and die at the end
is a dream.
Nudes were born
we start with nothing
too much accumulate
without thinking or premonition
that at the end we left
without even a dress
it is unnecessary for this trip.
The fifteenth-century a Spanish poet reminds us every time
we read the verses composed on the death of his father.
Seeing him cold in his coffin, the great poet was born around 1440
could think and compose some songs filled today.
Today equals, his words are as relevant as ever.
Below write some of their songs, the most meaningful or understandable
by man or woman of today, any country, any religion,
or not.
The end is the same for all of us.
Beauty in the song, lyrics, great feeling and sadness recodando
who we are and what we have.
We are big or small rivers that flow into the sea, which is death for all, and without the sea finds out if were large and mighty rivers, or small and short.
Anyway, it’s the same for everyone, just as we are born we die and leave the place to new waters, never the same, it will die at sea.
Remember the sleeping soul,
enliven the brains and wake up
how life happens,
how death comes
so quiet,
how soon will the pleasure,
how after agreed,
gives pain,
how, in our view,
any time spent
was better.
Well if we look at this
how at one point is gone
and done,
if we judge wisely,
we will do not come
by the past.
fool No no, no,
thinking that will last
you’d expect,
rather than what he saw lasted
because all must pass
by that way.
Our lives are rivers
that are getting in the sea,
which is death,
there are the feudal
rights will end
and consume,
there the rivers flow,
there the other medium
and smaller,
and arrivals are equal
the living by their hands
and the rich.
This world is the road
to the other, which is home
without regret;
most meets have good sense
to walk this journey
without missing.
We start when we are born,
we walk as we live,
and we
fenecemos while,
so when we die
we rest.
Ved of how little value
are the things upon which we walk
and run,
which in this treacherous world,
die first even
lose them:
age rid of them,
of them ragged cases
that occur,
for them, for their quality,
in the highest states
Tell me, the beauty,
the gentle freshness and complexion
of the face,
the color and the white,
when old age comes,
what is for?
Las tricks and lightweight
body strength and
everything becomes graveza
when it reaches the outskirts
of senescence.
A very good Spanish poet from the time or Catholic Kings
Isabel of Castilla and Fernando of Aragón.
The poet lived and died about 1440 / 1480 more or less.