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ESL Podcast 826 – Shopping for a Used Car
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “certified” and “to go up in smoke.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Certified Pre-owned Cars.”
“Buying a used car can be a “gamble” (something that is risky and may or may not be successful), as the buyer never knows…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 364
Topics: The O.J. Simpson Trial; to major versus to graduate; to pry; technically versus practically
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “The Heisman Trophy.”
“The Heisman Memorial Trophy Award,” better known simply as “The Heisman Trophy,” is given to the most “outstanding” (very best) college…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 827 – Fad Dieting
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “perfectly” and “pound.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Surgical Weight Loss Options.”
“As people in the United States become “increasingly” (more and more) overweight, “drastic measures” (actions that have a major effect; extreme actions) are…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
I gathered from your entries on the lates blog post done by lucy thst You guys all,like me, are determined to learn English as best as humanly possible.
It is nice to see we are all on the same page. We are aiming for a better ability to speak English.
I have done my fair share of English study. They key to a better English is listening.
It goes wothout saying that Eslpod is helping us in several important fronts like speaking ,writing ,comprehension, punctuation and so on. It is all good!
But , I believe I speak for everybody if I say we are all here to comprehend and eventually speak perfect English. In doing so ,we should just keep on listening.
Spend most of your study time listening.
Like a newly born kid for the firs one year or two they just listen; it is all they do.
6 years ago ,when I started in on listening to Jeff. I had no major problems in any area of English. You know what I needed ,though. I needed listening to a well-read ,educated English speakers; ideally English professors. That is all I needed ,still after 6 years constant listening , I feel the need to listen more and more.
Listening is the key to success.
Never ever understimate the power of listening in learning any new languages.
Back then before my initiation 🙂 with Jeff and his gang:)) ,I was simply an English enthusiast whose dream was to speak fluently and confidently .
To that end, I turned up every stone yet no success untill I was introduced to Eslpod out of fluke. Now ,here I am ,all fluent.
I think in English ,I dream in English and it all happened to me through a miracle-that is,”Eslpod.”
Jeff saved me a ton of money and a a lot of time.
Keep up with the listening folks,and you will thank me later.
You never know, literally speaking, whenever another new week is about to set in, a humble (but handsome and good-looking! 😉 ) bloke (guy) living at
a certain corner of this Golden Land (Myanmar) is ALWAYS, and EVER thinking about the best way and the best wordings that he can use in PRAISING
his three GREAT( but also SMART) English teachers from the Golden State, California. And also he usually ever tries his best TO EXTEND HIS GRATITUDE
to them as well. His real name is believed to be Myo ko ko, and is of course supposedly assumed to be a “single (bachelor).” [‘Cause we’ve never read
him writing about his spouse or kids! 😉 ] And we’re, thus far, not told how old Myo ko ko is. And plus, the fact that why he doesn’t spell the initials of his
middle name (ko) and last name (ko) with upper cases is still remain unknown.
As always he does, on the mornings of this Monday or that Monday – the very time when “Podcasts This Week” announcement is released, he is all set himself
and gets ready to brainstorm, sitting in front of the Desktop computer in the, what he calls it, Internet Café named “Sky Net” – the only spot where he gets on
triple W (World Wide Web), how to carol (sing) his great teachers’ praises for their great work done and of course for the great work to come.
Having said that,
In his today’s note, he decided to make a difference, that is, to tell his teachers a story about a man. Myo ko ko says that the lame story that he
is just going to tell about opens up with a man saying:
“I shot an arrow into the air.”
“The arrow fell to earth that I didn’t know where because it flew very, very swiftly and so my sight could not follow it in its flight.”
“The other day,” the man in the story continued, “I breathed (sung) a song into the air.”
“Again, the song fell to earth, I didn’t know where, though!”
“Who know(s) where the song fell to?”
“Of course, nobody on this earth knows it because no one has such a “sharp” and “strong” sight that can follow the flight of a song.”
“Does anyone have such power of seeing?,” the man wondered.
Myo ko ko says that he is 100% sure that when the readers who are reading this story reach here, they will not even have a clue to
what the man was talking about, let alone (not to mention) to figure out what the story is all about. Myo ko ko confesses that he himself
got confused and was not able to make sense of what the man was talking about when he started reading the story. And he (Myo ko ko)
also adds that it was only when he’s got at the very end of the story, he was able to grasp the point in man’s words. So he (Myo ko ko)
wants to end up the story by dropping the man’s own sentences below instead of his:
“Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.”
Well, Myo ko ko says that he’s had the very reason to put down this story here on this lovely Blog. When Myo ko ko is asked to clarify
his reason, he explains it in brief:
“Right on this webpage of this lovely Blog, I’ve been shooting these arrows of “Thank You, Thank You” to my great English teachers Jeff,
Warren, and Lucy for their great work ,” he continues, “But I wonder if my “Thank-You” arrows go straight to my teachers or go somewhere else?!”
“And I’ve also been breathing out these “praising” words about my great English teachers into the air this day or that day or so, in other words,
I’ve been singing my teachers’ praises, but I’m wondering if they (praising words) reach where I want them to or they’ve just disappeared into the air or else, else …??
“Well, some beautiful day in the future, can I find them again in my teachers’ hearts? Or in an oak, or somewhere else, I wonder? Who know(s)??”
Just trying to praise my English teachers, Jeff, Warren and Lucy…. while practising my writing skill, of course ;)….
And thanks for reading my gibberish,
Myo ko ko
The above story is not real, I just made it up. In fact, this note is written based on a poem that I had to study while I was at grade school.
If someone here would love to know the poem, google it by using these words “The poem, The arrow and The song.”
And I want my great teachers and my ESL friends here to know that I enjoy reading every blog posts and everyone’s comments here
even though I can’t drop my comments here on this blog lately. Hope you all understand me. Thanks again. 😉
Hey Peter.
Just out of curiosity: how do you listen to the podcasts?
I would like to argue with Lucy or maybe Jeff in explonation of meaning the next phrase “looking a gift horse in the mouth”. Teeth is main indicator of horse’s health. It’s a gift and you will take gift horse in any case. Please, correct me if I’m wrong.
Have a nice day!