Podcasts This Week (December 6, 2010)

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ESL Podcast 640 – Being Genuine and False

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “upfront” and “open.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Terms Used for Counterfeit Things.”
“There are many “counterfeiters” (people who try to make money, documents, and other things look real when they aren’t) who try to “fool” (trick; make someone believe something that isn’t true) people into buying things that are not genuine…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

English Cafe 271

Topics:  Ask an American: Latinos in Higher Education; may versus might; per se; it pays to (be)

In the Learning Guide:  Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “The Military Campus Recruiting Controversy.”
“Branches” (parts) of the U.S. “military” (the people and organizations that work to defend the country) often “recruit” students on college campuses, trying to “generate” (create; produce) interest in military “service” (a period of time spent working in the military)…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

ESL Podcast 641 – Sharing With Others

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “fair” and “pile.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “How American Parents Teach Their Children to Share.”
“Many young children “struggle” (have a hard time doing something) to share their toys with friends. They become very “possessive” (wanting to own something fully, without sharing it with others) of their toys and “throw tantrums”…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

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11 Responses to Podcasts This Week (December 6, 2010)

  1. Peter says:

    Indeed , the best gift is the gift of knowledge!
    Finally, Eslpod gets into spirit.
    Nice, I was thinking of getting the premium membership for my closest frown here. He has grown up here ,but Definitly he needs some pointers.
    I can’t take it off my mind. It is a downer that Emiliano’s father is hospitalized.
    Well, we all wish him a fast recovery.
    Our thoughts are with you my friend.
    Guys ,I have privilege here. I can get to read all the wordings of what Jeff is planing to say before the lounching of actual audio versions by getting in the Learning guide and read the whole thing. The reason I do this before that is that way the matterial stick to my mind faster.
    I trick my brain by feeding my brain the materials that I was about to listen in one or two days time.
    That way , I don’t need to go back and listen over and over.
    In deed,the brilliance of Eslpod is the Learning guid

  2. Peter says:

    Dear Jeff,
    How about a gift for us wrapped nicely on the top right corner:))

  3. Peter says:

    I m totally bummbed out.
    The year is closing in and I haven’t done anything worthwhilez. Hope ,in the new year I can turn over a green new leaf for a change.
    Because ,every year , all I get is a mulched brown yellowish , dog-eared leaf.
    But, not this year because I totally wised up. I go pick up a pine leaf to turn over. It is a known fact that pine leaves keep green the whole year.:))

    I know Jeff is saying, “such a baloney.”

    Well,It is me Jeff,

  4. Peter says:

    Speaking of christmass, I wanna share sth with u.
    I m sucking tired of going through year doing just the bare minimum ,and feel bad about myself at the end.every year my only resolution is to get a better hang of Englis. I guess, now, I have reached a point that this time around I wanna push the bounderies.
    U know what, I am a drama queen who is too out there , but not anymore.
    My new resolution is to keep everythig in perspective( be logical a bout everything)
    Enough about me.
    How about you Jeff , Lucy ,and Warren
    What are your new resolutions?
    Always you ask us.
    This time around, let’s turn the tables ,shall we?

  5. Peter says:

    You know what, I can’t understand why native speakers need dictionary to read a book ,or newspaper.
    Why they can’t understand their own language that well.I m tooting my horn here ,but sometimes I have to simplify the way I talk so they can understand.
    It is strange
    For example the other day I said
    I still have some wild oat to sow ,as a joke, nobody got it
    When I said : it is grotesque
    It is strange
    I can’t unresteand
    Jeff ,I had this very q since I came here?

  6. Peter says:

    I m not tooting my Horn here
    I must go get a computer
    The thing is I m flat broke
    It is my plan in this coming fiscal year ,though:)))
    I m 6 feet and 3 inch( 190 cm) and the board on the iPhones is 5 or 6 cm
    You do the math
    Most of the time I press two or three adjacent buttons all at the same time

  7. emiliano says:

    Thank you so much to all of you dear friends by your interest, my father has been operated already, he suffers an aneurisma in the groin that stop blood going through his legs, so he needs a bypass that was made saturday night.
    He is now recovering from the surgey but not so good, I am really very concern because she has too much pain.
    I was talking last night with the doctor who has done the surgery and he said me he, my father, could be recovered but really I don´t know, as
    yesterday afternoon he was still in not good condition.
    To me is very hard accepting he is in pain suffering too much being so old, I don´t see a future good life for him but I also know doctors have
    to do everything in order to safe the life of all people.
    Every person has his/her own feelings about this matter and to the ones who belives in God is easier to think our lifes are in His Hands.
    My mind is upset and being so it´s even more difficult to think or to write in different language that my own, but I am reading the
    Blog every moment I can, and it´s the best therapy to be a little out of the problem.

    Thank you again to all of you, I have read all the messages and I am very grateful for your encouragement and good wishes.


  8. Peter says:

    Morning Eslpod,
    I feel Christmasey today. It Is snowing ; old man ( winter)finally here. A bit of snow everywhere not that much to paralyze your day ,but enough to go outside and enjoy it.
    I am at a coffee house sitting behind the window drinking a hot cup of coffe.
    As Lucy once said:
    Early bird gets coffe to its heart content:)))))
    The roads are icy that makes it hard to drive.luckily I drive a SUV

  9. Peter says:

    Thanks Eslpod,
    People down here takes me as somebody who has grown up here ,another words, has come here at early age. I have started getting it a lot.
    A little accent there still giving me away. I still working on it though.
    For me it is huge success. I did it purely because I am a student of this center.
    I wish Jeff would come up with a method, technique ,or system that enables us to clear the accent.

    God Bless your heart Eslpod

  10. Peter says:

    Happy to hear that your dad is doing better
    Hope he has a fast recovery.

  11. Peter says:

    Morning Eslpod ,
    Just you so know, it is very nasty outside.
    Yesterday I got into a huge trouble because I tracked a great amount of slush in the kitchen as I was entering my place. I made a huge mess.
    Jeff , u rub it exactly to my face when you start off every time by saying beautiful sunny LA:)
    I am not jelous but I envoy you

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