Podcasts This Week (May 4, 2015)

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ESL Podcast 1100 – Making and Receiving a Job Offer

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “tenure” and “to hear back.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Salary Negotiation Tips.”
“When accepting a new job, many people believe it is a bad idea to ‘accept’ (agree to) the first offer…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

English Cafe 501

Topics: Famous Movies – Raiders of the Lost Ark; Hotel Del Coronado; to forfeit versus to nullify versus to revoke; nonetheless versus nevertheless; to live versus live

In the Learning Guide:  Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “The Song ‘Hotel California.'”
“In 1977, the popular rock band the Eagles ‘released’ (made available for use and/or purchase) the ‘single’ …” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

ESL Podcast 1101 – Problems Getting Along With Family

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “dig” and “to storm out.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “The Burr-Hamilton Duel.”
“Former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and former Vice-President Aaron Burr fought in a famous ‘duel’ in 1804…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

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9 Responses to Podcasts This Week (May 4, 2015)

  1. emiliano says:

    Cuca of course doesn´t know English, but here there is her spirit and thoughts by emiliano´s writing
    and intuition.
    Reading this little post, sure you may knw her better.
    This was written two years ago, now she is worst and has not so much strength.



    Let´s go.

    Okay, I’m Cuca, I am part of the gatufos group, I do not think of anything to say you, sorry.

    My life is very scheduled in relation to my leisure activities and necessary to scroll through the days.

    My normal activity stood about fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with a disease that has no cure, multiple sclerosis, and I thought I would not last long time in this world. This has not happened, I was stopping my activities as a”normal person” who takes care of almost everything, look after emi, my daughters, house, shopping, pick up the phone, to receive friends, to go out and search medicines, to put joy and activity in the house, another house where we lived before, in order TO LIVE ON DESPITE THIS DISEASE.

    I am and always have been an active, vital person which is acustomed to never ask for anything if I can do it, and being too quiet and never stopped.

    This condition hit me in my true personality because I had to stay still, sitting for hours every day, it takes me an eternity to get up and go to the bathroom, and evil is what I have to constantly ask help for this or that. Although emi tells me, in his way of saying things “I would not ask drowning help so as not to disturb”, as it looks like it’s worth, I think I’m asking ever for too much.

    Spent a year, another, another and I had to organize my life of leisure required. Complete 24 hours a day of activity without barely move. It’s hard, you have to give much mind to make a program. I did it and take it down to the letter just till now.

    Yeah, I’m scheduled to go spending hours, days, months, years and live aim of making the best possible times, not embitter my life, not life miserable for those who love you, ask as little as possible, do not complain nearly for nothing , trying to fix my life needs no help, do my physical and mental exercises every day of the year without missing one.
    For that I developed and memorized a program for each day of the month, every hour of the day and even every hour of the night when I’m in bed and can not sleep. Ja, ja, yes I use to tell me my stories to be alert and not thinking about my life or my health condition.

    And it works, it comes complete running almost thirteen years, who would say, no one knows if I am, badly or worse, if it hurts more than the usual discomfort that continues. Stop do not think, live every second plan and not think about achieving the next hour or the next day and fewer still will, we will do next month.
    The future does not exist for me. Live today, now, this moment, and so I try to be happy in spite of this disease that is slowly getting worse.

    I don´t need to go out, for what?, I do not need to be out home. It can take months and months without my chair rolling on sidewalks and so emi and Isabel do not have to push it.
    I’m fine at home and not craved any change in my routine, this routine keeps me safe and kept safe the people I love in Gatufolandia.
    To me the most important subject it is my loved one, Emiliano and my daughters. Don´t give them any thing to be worried about, but it is difficult. Emi is always alert watching me, trying to see what I nedd and asking every moment if I am good or not.
    What can I do to reléase him?. Even to reléase Isabel?.
    With my daughters there is not any problema as they use not to come here and see me. I do think that they suffer a lot seeing their mother in this condition and that´s the reason the two younger not come home for months or years.
    Yes, I may understan them, but emi doesn´t I know that and it gives me some hurt to see him suffering this role.

    Well that´s all for the moment, it is clear to me that activities help me NOT TO THINK, HELP ME TO LIVE EVERY DAY, HAVING MY MIND ON OTHER SUBJECT HELPE ME TO FIND PEACE.

    Greetings, cuca

    August 24th 2013

  2. Tania says:

    Hi! Emiliano, I am glad that you are writing us again.
    We miss you. In fact, we miss all of our blog friends who usually write us.
    It’s more fun receiving news from all of us.

    Best wishes to you all,


  3. Tania says:

    Hi! Five hundred visitors on your blog! It’s a big record.
    Congratulations, Emiliano!

  4. Tania says:

    Hi! What imagination, Dan!
    Licking face monster… I suppose to be a naughty and funny kid who says to us : What ever! I don’t care!

  5. Tania says:

    Hi! I saw the movie “Mary Poppins” many years ago. I can’t remember the story , but I remember the songs from this movie, especially
    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Chim Chimney, Chim Chimney.


    It’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
    Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
    If you say it loud enough, you’ll always sound precocious
    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious .
    But better use it carefully
    Or it could change your life

  6. Tania says:

    Hi! Maybe at a job interview we can say the magic word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” to look smarter and precocious and the desired job is ours.
    Using it carefully , it could change our life.
    Thank you , dear Jeff , for this wonderful movie (English Cafe 498).

  7. Tania says:

    Hi! Dear blog friends, don’t forget that on the 4th of May it’s a “jolly holiday”. It’s Lucy’s birthday, our dear teacher.
    We can sing together the Mary Poppins song.

    Jolly Holiday

    Ain’t it a glorious day?
    Right as a mornin’ in May
    I feel like I could fly.

    Have you ever seen
    The grass so green
    Or a bluer sky?

    Oh, happiness is bloomin’ all around her
    The daffodils are smilin’ at the dove.”

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY , dear Lucy!

    And a bunch of daffodils from your thankful students.

  8. emiliano says:

    I would like to tell you something dear Tania, you know I have been in Netherland for nine days and along these days
    I have been talking in English everywhere.
    Everybody in Netherland could speak in English, in Amsterdam for instance I had to ask for information about several
    subjects once and again. Not a single one person has told me, no I don´t speak English, but even out of Amsterdam
    or even in Belgium no one has told me that.

    My contact with English has been absolutely and I am very proud and grateful to our teachers, Jeff and Lucy for
    their podcast, listening to them for years has given me the faculty of talking this incredible usufel language all round
    It was first in London two years ago, afterward it was in Berlin, Nuremberg and Munich, but I do think this experience
    of Amsterdam, Mastrich, Utrecht, Brujas Gante, Amberes, Brussels, Aquisgram and other places where I need to
    use my English has been so incredible good that again I am more in touch with it.

    As always thank you my dear friend of so many years Tania, I know nothing about your private life, a mystery similar
    to our Lucy´s, but I am sure that as a person you are great just the same as a friend.


  9. Dr. Lucy Tse says:

    Thank you for the nice birthday wishes here and on email. I appreciate them very much!

    I took a couple of days off to get to know my new age. It’s not bad, but I prefer 25!

    My best to all of you.

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