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ESL Podcast 1074 – Becoming a Vegetarian/Vegan
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “cheese” and “to guard against.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Types of Vegetarianism.”
“There are many types of vegetarianism, and some are considered easier to ‘adopt’ …”- READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 488
Topics: American Musicals/Movies – The Producers; The Statue of Liberty; sponsored by versus powered by versus encouraged by; putting the crunch back; hoochie
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “Lesser-Known Members of a Film Crew.”
“Many professionals work on a film between ‘conception’ (having the idea) and ‘completion’ (finishing)…”- READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 1075 – Defying Orders
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “order” and “to squeal on (someone).”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Types of Military Court-Martial.”
“A ‘court-martial’ is a military court that is used for lawsuits against ‘members of the armed services’ …”- READ MORE in the Learning Guide
Hi everyone! February begin today, now is the right time to learn
new English vocabulary here in ESL Podcast with ours favorite
podcasters: Jeff, Lucy and Warren. Thank you so much for everything.
Have a nice week!
I like what I see
We have beautiful episods coming up.
Can’t wait.
I myself was turned on to be a vegan by the power that be – my girfriend at the time:))), as a way of dropping a few pounds. Needless to say ,I became a staunch vegetarian as I was ordered to be :))
U know ,you must give ladies what they want otherwise u are in big trouble.besides ,u never see the end of it if u dare not listen.
Let me tell u something. Between you and me ,when it come to ladies ,I never take the dare :))
I am a meat lover at heart. So it wasn’t easy for me, but u do whatever it takes to make a relationship work. right ?
Needkess to say , I rekindled my love with my beloved meat the second missy and I broke up.
By now
Pete ,a generously proportionate dude from GTA :Greater Tornto Area
Wake up it is something difficult for me. Just the act of beginning a new day after being sleep for hours required from me a big effort to start the morning cheerful, with a smile in my face, even just saying something like good morning my dear, have you sleep well?.
If there is something irregular in my life the first thought I have in the morning it is just this problem.
A friend who is passing through difficulties, subjects with the family or in the office, when I was working, and so forth…always the first thought should be so.
I do think it happens to nearly every person but sure I am not so certain about this premise, not all people have to feel the same, that´s for sure.
Good luck for them as getting up in bad mood it is always quite disagreeable for people around me.
Who knows how a baby sleep? or an adult? it is always the form a baby dreams to the way of an old person?. Why some people are a good wake up and other a bad
humor just since there were born?
Being a children it was hard to wake up to go to the school very soon. I could remember that the hour of being in it was 8 a.m. every day and it cost me a lot.
Madrid it is a city very cold in Winter. Usually we have less two or three degrees at the morning to reach up fourteen or fifteen at noon which it is a big difference and the body suffers this changes in temperatura aching a lot.
Now I could see that children go to the school being so small, and they use to cry aloud every morning just because the don´t want to go.
I do think it is cruel what we do with the little babies taking them so small to the nurseries every morning just because their parents have to work.
Being a baby, a boy and finally and adult I have felt always the same, my humor is bad as son as I open my eyes in the mornings.
I need at least half an hour to get my humor in a good way, to talk or to reply some questions or even to be concious about the reality of a new day, good , bad or or the simple daily routine of the moment is living.
Yes, I can imagine what could be the feelings of a person that his life have changed suddenly from a day to another. The dead of a husband or a wife, a son or daughter, a sudden sickness or accident that changes our way of living for ever.
Just the first subject we use to think as my eyes are open is all the reality of the moment, the lack of my mother, a bad situation in the office, the last argue with my wife or a friend, and so on.
However I know persons close to me that use to wake up brightness, happy, in good mood to talk since the first moment they awake. Giving thanks of being alive and facing reality with strength and courage undar any circunstance.
I admire these persons, my wife Cuca is one of them, and always I wanted to be like them, to have this will from the first moment of the day.
Gift of life and optimism of living just the moment without thinking anything about, feeling that being alive it is the best gift a human could have.
Now that I am depressed it is even worst, mornings are the hard hour of the day. I want to remain in bed, one two three hours, or more. It is the feeling of not wishing to live a new day.
I would like to be like people, like Cuca, that every morning think “Thanks to God” I am alive and I want to conquer the world, things are as they are and no one can change them once occurred.
We can do a better world with our mind, despite our weakness or missing our loved ones, knowing that life is a daily struggle and that it depends only of us, only from oneself doing happy every day of our life.
Just live in the moment without thinking about future and nothing more.
A big smile in the mornings, giving thanks to be alive and being in good humor to
say “good morning” my dear how are you?. Have you sleep well?….
That could be enough but use to be so difficult for some persons like me.
Greetings, emiliano
Just from my blog desembuches for you all dear ESL Blog´s Friends.
“So difficult to feel in a language but also wanted to feel in another
to sharing these thougts to persons that feel the same but the sounds and words
are so different.
Sorry dear I am really very new sharing my feeling in English
Thank you, your patience it is mine”.
Perdido ando hoy sin tu alegría.
Que me anima a seguir este camino.
Emprendido a tu lado ya en la lejanía.
No recuerdo otro despertar sin tu regazo.
Lost I am without your smile
That gives me strength fo follow this path
We started together so far away
I don´t remember another awakening without your lap
Advance Pain
Un dolor anticipado nos hace ignorar la fragilidad de nuestro entorno.
Incierta pesadumbre de esa pena ilusos ignoramos si vivos enfrentaremos el mañana.
Dolor futuro tangible eres ya sin ser real, ciegos a la realidad de hoy.
Sufrimos ya ese momento que solo con la mente anticipamos.
Ansiedad, aléjate de mi, no eres certeza estate callada.
Solo eres producto de una mente que sufre ya anticipada.
Just a sudden paint gives sorrows enought to forget what we are.
Uncertain sadness confuse our mind to think we are still alive.
Not knowing if tomorrow will be the same.
Future pains are now so real that blinds our reality of today.
Suffering that moment only anticípated in our mind.
Anxiety be off from me, you are not true, remain in silence.
You are a figure anticipated that gives pain and suffering.
Yes, my mind is so uncertain of what are going to happen.
But only it is sure what today I am living so be quite in peace.
Tomorrow will be another day and every thing could be bright.
La ilusión de sentiros niñas fugaz abrir y cerrar de ojos fue.
Tiempo que iluso pensé duraría siempre, cuando tan corto como un sueño es.
Gozo efímero de ayer dolor de hoy, ausencia de un pasado vivo solo en mi mente.
Niñez que en mi alma hoy produce pena pues aun Presentes hoy os siento ajenas.
Illusion seeing children
Flight open and blink of eyes was
A time that seems long for ever
When short as a dream it is
Ephemeral joy of yesterday
Pain of today use to be remembering
Only in mind other time
When little at my side you were
Chilhood only in mind gives me pain
As being present today
I feel you adult women of today
Far away already from my side.
Falling in Love
Sin querer, sin sentirlo casi sin darme cuenta estaba enamorado.
Delgada, bonita, criatura loca viviamos ya en los sesenta.
Ilusos años de una generación que lo confundió todo.
Amor, milagro cotidiano fue que con su ardiente brillo me sustenta.
Tras treinta o mas años sin darme cuenta casi sin sentirlos, hoy sigo enamorado.
Falling in Love
Without wanted, without feeling it nearly without being concious
I fell in love.
Thin, nice, beautiful crazy girl, we were living the sixties.
Deluded years from one generation that confused everything.
Love, miracle daily bright that enlight my entire life.
After fourty years or more of living, without feeling them being together.
Today I still fell in love with you once and again till I´ll die.
No soy el mismo que ayer me sentí.
Cambiado estoy sin saber por que.
Sera el hoy lo que me deja vacío.
Ideas vienen y van sin dejar huella.
Pensamientos incesantes taladran la cabeza.
No hay sosiego ni descanso solo ya.
Vuelve en ti me digo, y así un día mas.
Persigo quimeras que se esfuman.
No hay sentido ni esperanza, solo espera.
Un día, y otro mas aguantando ¿que?.
La muerte sin duda, descanso aparente y facil.
Dormir, no pensar, no sufrir, no esperar.
Dormir al fin, ¿descansar quizás?.
I am not the same I felt yesterday.
Changed without knowing why?
It is today what let me empty?
Ideas come and go without any sense
Thoughts incessant that drill the head
Not hopes only awaiting everything go by
Be you I say, but so another day
Going after chimeras that vanish
There is not any sense or hopes just wait
One and another day, waiting for what
Dead without doubts, easy relax for ever
Sleep, not to think, not to suffer, not await
Sleep for ever, at the end rest perhaps?
Who knows? life it is a not sense being so
when there is not will to continue
Only rest is the time, today only rest is my will.
En la cama juntos en la noche
Pienso cuando a mi lado duermes….
Tu cara pecosa, tu sonrisa que ansío.
El amor en tus ojos, la luz de esa mirada.
El tono en tu voz, si estás triste o alegre.
Cosas que adivino al verte cuando dormida.
A mi lado sigues y el nuevo día amanece.
In bed together ..at night
I thought when beside me you sleep….
Your freckled face, your smile so craved.
The love in your eyes, your lighting look .
The tune of your voice, if you are blue or happy.
Some things I imagin looking you sleepy.
Close my side you follow and a new day dawns.
The Waiting
Alejados de nuestro mundo de ayer
tranquilos vemos pasar los días
juntando tiempo suficiente para pasar
los años.
Apagada la tarde se acorta el plazo
futuro incierto que esperamos sin prisa
pues aunque prisioneros somos
sin angustia estamos
Felices de seguir recorriendo
el camino sin retorno que finaliza
antes o depues, quien lo sabe
la larga o feliz espera siempre cierta.
Far away from our real world
Quite we see the past of days
Gathering enough time to past
the years.
Sunset shorten our time
uncertain future we await
despite prisioners here we are
without anxiety time past
Happy following the path
sooner or later the end would be
to our life together waiting
the happy life being in peace.
Gatufo poems.
Thank you if you have read all of them.
I think they do, as my cat Gatufo usually did what I say him to do.
In this vide I try that the nice cat do what I have teached him, for months to do, he knows that doing that we laugh and clap to him.
So, since a year or more he try to give us pleasure doing some things he can once I say him something.
We could be talking about different things, but in the moment we talk about Gatufo, he replies, or get up from the chair and says different miaus…..of joy or pleasure, some times if I shout him because he is doing something I have said him NOT, he immediately goes and hides him from me, till the point it is impossible to get him out.
The dog seems silly as he did not do anything they commands him to do.
For months the dog did not anything peculiar and it was as impossible to educated the poor dog.
Suddenly one day they command the dog in Spanish, and the dog seems to understand.
Of course, he was a Spanish dog, founded in Alicante being his first
owners Spanish, so the dog was taught in Spanish language not in Engllish.
Since that moment the dog was smart, and obbey their commands given
in Spanish, not in English.
So yes, dog and cats do understand our language, may be few words but enough to be happy and doing the best the can for their owner.
Dear Gatufo is one of the best friend a person may have at home.
One of the friends in the blog ask me about this matter, and I told her a story about a dog some English friends found on the street and take him to home.
Greetings, emiliano
Yes, dear friends, this is Gatufo the one who gives me all the ideas to write here.
He changes my life either Cuca´s life to better.
Seeing him so happy, innocent, playing under the sun gives a lot of ideas to think about our, my, life hire in Madrid. Spain.
My wife Cuca suffers Multiple Sclerosis since more than 14 years, but despite this bad illness, there is not cure, she is happy too.
Some times Gatufo reminds me Cuca, playing, living their life as it was the last day in their life.
Thinking about it, YES, reality is that.
This new day could be the last of me, your, life so go ahead and be as much happy as you could.
Last year was a very bad year for me, for my soul, having a deep depression I didn´t want to live.
Unhapiness was my rule by moths, despite that Cuca and Gatufo were at my side giving me all their love.
Thanks a lot to them, to the friends that support me, and to GOD.
My GOD, your GOD, that is the same after all.
“Don´t Worry, be happy like Gatufo and my dear wife Cuca”
All my best for you all dear followes of this Little blog that is mine but also yours.
emiliano “gatufo” from Madrid. Spain
Hello, crazy people. I’m here again to spend a good time together. I miss you so much. And I learn a lot reading your opinions about every subject. I always learn. It’s my goal in life. Living and learning. I have more to learn than to teach.
Hi everyone
( 1074 )
I think I’ll never going become a vegan, normally I avoid to eat several things like milk, soda, trash foods, but I eat meat every day. Some restrictions just because I think is better for my health so my heart thanks. If you open my refrigerator right now you’ll see mango, star fruit, grape, lemon, passion fruit, tomato, but also meat, milk, butter, cheese … I think I have codfish to eat on my lunch today, I eat it last night and you know I don’t eat everything so lol
Nice week to us
Hi everyone
( 488 )
I’m encouraged by English Café to learn English because I learn more than English, I learn history, culture and so forth. Thank you dr. Jeff for teach English the way that just you know.
Nice day to us
Hi! Dear Emiliano, I am so glad that you have come back among us.
We have missed you. We want to be again our dear blog friend writing us many, many news every day.
I was wondering why did ‘t you write us? You are so inventive, so kind, having a good word for everyone…
“Last year was a very bad year for me, having a deep depression I didn’t want to live.”
We have to fight against the depression… life is too short. We have all the time to rest in peace.
But like you say:
“A big smile in the mornings, giving thanks
to be alive and being in good humor…
That could be enough…”
“Tomorrow will be another day and everything could be bright.”
Hi! Dear Emiliano, thank you very much for sharing with us your inner thoughts.
You are working all the time . Maybe indeed you can publish your poems.
Most of all I like ” In Bed Together … At Night”.
“I thought when beside me you sleep…
Your freckled face, you smile so craved.
The love in your eyes, your lighting look.
The tune of your voice, if you are blue or happy.
Some things I imagine looking you sleepy.
Close my side you follow and a new day dawns.”
Hi dear Emiliano your poems are so beautiful over all in Spanish.
I think the same as our dear Tania you would to publish them.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Please give my regards to Cuca and Gatufo.
Nice day for you
Thank you Tania, thank you Mine.
It is a pleasure to share this writings with you all.
I will do it in future, despite they have nothing to do
with the blog, but if you like them I can´t resist your
nice words, so sure I´ll be here every week.
I can´t imagine nothing so bad as a Deep depression
dear Tania.
I had it twice in my life, first of them when I was 39 years
old, the second on the 2012 after a hard treatment to
defeat a virus, I left 8 kg., and I was really very very
bad, the afterward depression was the worst.
So, as I have written about it, the depression I´m going
to pust my thoughts and writting here.
Be alert dear Tania, and write, write every day just for
you that helps a lot.
Now I´m looking for my writings about this bad dark tunel
every one of us pass along their life.
But, it has cure, that´s for sure.
Even now I am taken half a pill of “fluoxetina” for the
depression only one day after two.
Fluoxetina = Prozac.
Hi! Yes, we are waiting for your new poems gladly, dear Emiliano.
I was ill with a kind of flu for a month.
Taking into account your piece of advice , we have to write every day.
I need time for documentation. For instance, I have had to go to the public library looking for
works by Willa Cather. I have found “O Pioneers!”.
And anyway it’s a pleasure thinking that someone is waiting for some lines written by me.
Or when someone writes my name in his post, like Mine today.
Thank you.
I want to thanks Jeff, Lucy because of their best work. May be it’s funny but you would be wondering if i told you that i sleep every night with your voice. Even i get your voice by a friend but i still wants to thank you because of your great job ” introduction to united states” .
persian student