Podcasts This Week (January 14, 2013)

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ESL Podcast 860 – Insider Trading

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “tip” and “shady.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Martha Steward Insider Trading.”
“In 2001, an “experimental drug” (a medicine that is being tested) produced by a company called ImClone was not approved by the…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

English Cafe 381

Topics: Ask an American –  Participatory Science; to attend versus to take part in versus to participate in versus to join; standalone versus to stand alone; hair of the dog that bit me

In the Learning Guide:  Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “Popular TV Science Shows.”
“Many Americans enjoy watching science shows on TV. One of the most popular science shows is…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

ESL Podcast 861 – Planning a Children’s Party

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “icing” and “to turn.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Inflatable Castles.”
“Inflatable castles, also known as “bounce houses” are becoming “increasingly” (more and more) popular in the United States…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

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5 Responses to Podcasts This Week (January 14, 2013)

  1. Peter says:

    Dear Dan,
    It is bitter ,all right!!
    But,at one point , you must give up. You know,the bitter reality of it is : passing the ah 14 you can’t loose your accent because your voice box is completely shaped by then. I attended many accent reduction classes. They never claim that they help you loose your accent. They just promise you of a milder accent so people don’t keep asking you to repeat yourself. Technically ,they get your accent fixed. And ,that is all there is to it.
    Please note that my friend. The complication is not just the accent but the intonation ,the melody in which a certain group of people in a country speak. It is almost impossible to adopt a new intonation rather than your mother tongue. There is this very familiar guy Whoes expertise is accent and intonation.I had him for a whole ,say, 6 months. It was like a serious of video conferences one on one with the guy ,a remote class if you will. He charged me an arm and foot my friend. He trained me for 6 months and I practiced my neck off day in and day out. Man , I suffered through. it is quite boring.you must repeat the same thing over and over. You must stand in front if the mirror waching your lips movment as you uttering individial words one by one again and again. all in all , it is no pisnic. it is a pure torture. Excruciately painful!!!!:))
    Dan , let me tell u , all i got from partcipatong toms of accent reduction classes and the 6 month intense training is that :
    first and firmost ,I got my pronunciation fixed perfectly
    Last but not least , people can’t place my nationality from my accent rather my way of speaking. People who are here for ,say ,5 ,6 years can’t spot my accent at all. They take me for a native-speaker. And ,my friend this is all I achieved in the personal escapade :))
    My long term goal was to put on an accent like Lucy’s. she has a strong, pure American accent. But ,my friend I think my goal was too ambitious to begin with.

    you know what, I shot for stars,but my bullet of hope stopped short longe before it leavs the earth stratosphere:))))( good one )

    I got some feedback a few days ago , though. That was very rewarding and encouraing to me.

    Allow me to narrate the story

    I had this coffe date with this Canadian girl of a British/Irish descent.
    She asked me if I came in here as a child.
    “No! Why? “I replied.
    She said ,and I quote ” your accent is mixed of a Canadian and some sort of accent i have difficulty placing it.”( Man, i gotta tell you ,the feedback was the highlight of my day. )
    “What is your origin ? ” she asked
    “Planet earth! Yours? ” I responded

    It was a blind date 😉

    Yours ,


  2. emiliano says:

    Peter are yu mad for having a date?
    I do think so………..blind date?
    That is the movies……………..
    Sorry Peter, I just pull your leg…..

    But I agre with you 100 per 100

    See you in facebook, dón´t be so shy man.
    Think, Betty is thinking about the subject.
    Dan is with me already.

    ……so four….or Tania too five.
    Laura my daughter is learning Danish …..that is worst
    than English…

    Bye, my friend.

  3. emiliano says:

    What are you waiting for?
    Get a premium or basic member today……don´t think about it so much
    it is cheap, good, and support the ESL site.

    Our site, Peter´s site, Betty´s site, Dan´s site, Serio site, Tania site……and so fortha lot
    of friends…….
    of course mine too for ever and ever.


  4. Dan says:

    Really! Peter you got a date. That’s GREAT.

    Shouting and clapping my hands in rhythm again: PE-TER! PE-TER ! PE-TER! GO PETER!!

    Look out though, the woman is snaky…..ahahahaha

    Wow, reading your post sounds like reading a report from the batterfield.
    I understand that living in an English speaking country you are maybe more pushed, forced, compelled, urged to improve with the language.

    My approach is that I try to have fun while learning it. I do not want it to became a stressful experience.
    Anyway, if I am dating a woman and she does not like my accent she can go and f……he….self.

    Thanks Peter always a pleasure reading from you.

  5. Peter says:

    Thanks ,Dan
    It is more of a battle cry of an everyday life :))
    Just imagine ,you have to communicate in English at work ,on the phone ,meetings, presentation , dealing with grumpy customers ,writing reports ,even your lunch break with a bunch of coworkers. You have not the option of switching to your mother tongue even for one second merely because nobody would understsnd you.
    Now ,.imagine ,it is a crunching time at work. There are a couple of projects that must end soon and your team is behind.the site manager or the person in charge of the project is on your a.. Pushing you at every turn. And ,still every word out of you must be in Emglish,And must be fast. Clock is ticking and you are running out of time. The dead line is in two days and you and your team is way behind. And,my friend it is a very common occurrence on offices around here. How is that for being pushed and completed. Nobody has the patience and time to have you repeat yourself or even worst for you not to understand them due to poor comprehension skills.
    I guess,I painted right. You speak perfect English ,or you are out.



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