Podcasts This Week (October 3, 2011)

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ESL Podcast 726 – Taking the Driving Test

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.

In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “license” and “to signal.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Common Reasons for Failing the Driving Test.”
“Most people who study their state’s “driver’s manual” (a small book describing all the laws for driving in a particular state) are able to pass the written test without too much trouble, but some of them “struggle” (have difficulty) to pass the “driving test”…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

English Cafe 314

Topics: Famous Songs: Kumbaya; Crater Lake National Park; free time versus spare time; at the end versus in the end; booking versus reservation

In the Learning Guide:  Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “Animals Sounds in English.”
“Every language represents animal sounds in different ways. There is a word for the sound that an animal makes and then a written version of what that sounds like, using words and letters to represent it…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

ESL Podcast 727 – Home Architectural Styles

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.

In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “modest” and “deal with it.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “McMansions and the Small House Movement.”
“There are two “opposing” (very different from each other) “trends” (popular ways of doing something) in new “residential” (related to homes, not businesses) “construction” (building) in the United States: McMansions and the small house movement…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

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10 Responses to Podcasts This Week (October 3, 2011)

  1. Peter says:

    Dear Eslpod,
    You never run out of ideas,do you?
    Every Friday, I am deeply saddened that that is it! I can see the land on the other end of English language land. Eslpod did it. Jeff did it .no more of Jeff ,Lucy ,Warren and Eslpod at large.
    then ,bingo !
    To my total disbelif, Eslpod comes up with three more lessons for the week to come; A set of lessons that always makes Sundays a drag and Mondays a blast!
    I can’t wait to listen to Jeff,and to wallow in Lucy’s scripts about driving license and architecture.
    I always fall short dicussing buildings’ designs and facades.
    I have always wanted to run a healthy conversation about it. I was always short of words and sentence structures to talk about buildings.
    But ,guess what!
    Not anymore!
    Eslpod came to rescue!
    Thanks Eslpod for another prosporpous week full of knowledge ,And education.
    If it is not adrenaline rush ,then what it is?
    Eslpod your productions are always the bomb. Don’t get me wrong please. The whole producetion is the bomb not a bomb:) ( Lucy, thank you for wriiting us the difference ,and Jeff thank you for narrating it amazingly well)

    Eslpod you are my hero!

  2. Myo ko ko says:

    If there anyone is considering dropping a line or two here to send his or her “Thanks” to the ESL Podcast Team for the ESL podcasts,
    It is me, well, I, who will be following next to his/her comment by just simplying saying “Ditto.”
    I’m sort of a slacker!…..umm? 🙂 Well, so….so
    Hmm…..by and large, that “anyone” would be Peter! I just know it! 😀
    Yup, any ESL podcast out there on the Web can be anything, but Jeff’s speaking style & humor sense and Lucy’s second-to-none scripts!!
    As such, these very ESL podcasts right on this very spot , yeah maybe you’re listening right now, are hard to comeby.

  3. Peter says:

    Guys ,
    No bragging ,I m just trying to get a point across here.
    The blog really works.
    Keep reading the posts
    We take The post reading as a fun experience. I mean our dear profs present the whole idea of the blog in a sort of fun format.
    But ,it really effect the rate of my reading profoundly.
    I noticed it just recently that I read and write way faster!
    Keep typing in your thoughts; and keep reading the genius of our professor’s words.
    You are geinius indeed!

  4. Peter says:

    Spot on! Myo Ko Ko
    Thanks for the support!


  5. Peter says:

    Howdy people,
    Another week ,huh?
    You know what I hate the concept of “live within your means.”
    Whenever we are getting close to an election of some sort. The moto is all over the place.
    The funny thing is every body talks the talk but never walks the walk.
    Live within your means . What is with all the fiscal deficit ,then?
    We are supposed to pick up a new premier for the province Ontario.
    But ,the thing is the election pool is picked over already :))))
    Just joking.
    There are some good candidates out there.


  6. Myo ko ko says:

    Yes, Peter
    The blog gives us many things.
    Long before I stumbled upon these ESL pods and blog,
    my English skills are so terrible, (metaphor)…think of a bull in a china shop! 😀
    I mean I made a great deal of mistakes and errors in my English.
    Now, I feel lifted up when it comes to English language.
    I know and of course you too know– it is owing to our teacher’s great efforts.
    But I am still learning the language…. so many many things for me to learn
    and still making so many many errors of course! 😀


  7. Peter says:

    Myo Ko Ko my friend,
    Hang in there,
    You are in good hands.

  8. Dear Jeff and Lucy,
    I would like to thank you for the wonderful job you are doing.

  9. emiliano says:

    The golden age of autumn has came
    Nature is showing its magic picture
    Happiness inside is possible remembering
    the magic world of dreams.

    Don´t give any chance to the cold winter time
    that it is pointing a future lacked of colors
    Close the eyes darkness does not exists
    in golden dreaming minds.

  10. emiliano says:

    Listening to the music at this moment
    Having in mind my dear friends
    Two of them bright deeply inside.

    Far away they are in distance
    But too close inside my feelings
    With me for the best or the bad event.

    Another language is their own
    But feelings have not words
    Only sensations are there language.

    There are not words to describe music pleasure
    There are not words to define nice thoughts
    There are not words to explain what is love.

    Why are we so happy at this moment but not
    a while later?
    It does not matter as tomorrow
    would be another new day
    with lot of promises ahead.

    Or may be not?

    That is the gist of our life
    Every moment is gift
    to say thank you God.
    Yes, I hope so.

Comments are closed.