ESL Podcast 636 – Being Lazy and Energetic
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “out of it” and “so what.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about a very famous lazy man in literature: Rip Van Winkle.
“One character in American literature is famous for his “laziness” (lack of energy and motivation, not wanting to do anything): Rip Van Winkle. American author Washington Irving wrote a short story called…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 269
Topics: Minimum wage; cyber crime; I will want to versus I would want to; except for; conversely
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “Common Ways for Children and Young Teenagers to Earn Extra Money.”
“In the U.S., many children receive an “allowance,” which is a small amount of money they get from their parents to buy what they want. Some children spend it on candy or toys, while others “save up”…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 637 – Planting Flowers and Trees
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to dig” and “left.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Different Types of Gardens.”
“Many Americans like to have a flower garden in front of their house to make it more beautiful. The gardener tries to plant a lot of colorful plants that “flower” (bloom; produce flowers) at different times of the year. If the plants are chosen because they’ll “attract”…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
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Hello Eslpod,
Toronto got the first frost this morning.
It is overcast,the tprature has dropped to zero .
A light snow is Coming down
To me,The best thing one can do in a snowy day like this is to pick up a grande cup of coffee at a local StarBucks and reading a couple of recent enteries of Learning guides.
Seems like everybody woke up this morning with the same line of thought:)
I just noticed that a number of my friends on the blog asked Lucy to do some of English coffees.
I am down with that. Totally like the idea. But , if i may . please folks,factor in every thing. I mean what Jeff and Lucy have going on at Eslpod takes time and Energy and the whole productions of Eslpod is time sensetive( needs to be done within a time frame) which makes it even worse.what they basically do is a balancing act to meet the time allotment.
I mean Jeff takes care of the audio, and Lucy do the writing.
It is a lot of writing, plus, she does the transcripts as well. Please admit that picking up some random useful, common expression and turned them into a literary work of art is not an easy task to do,even for Lucy , it is time consuming( spends lots of time).So, Lucy already had a high volume of work load is on Her plate. Under the circumstances, I don’t wanna put Lucy on spot , and pushing her for some extra work.
Definitly, she has a life of her own as well.
So , although I love the idea , I pass
I need some pep talk folks ,
I have an job interview related to what I an studying
It is for my co-op placements( finding a place to work with as an intern to gain hands-on experience with respect to the subject you are studying ,and it is mandatory . You won’t get your diploma unless you work a certain hours on the field)
Another words, place yourself at a store to work as an intern/ apprentice
First you shadowing then you do the actual job
And get credit for it like courses you take at school.
I need a prep talk ( encouraging words that give me the impetus and momentum to go for the interview ,
Words like: you can do it,
You r the best
It is nothing for you.
Guys, at some points in life , we are all need some prep- talks.
I m sluggish to a fault
Now ,I can learn the related terms.
Looking forward to listening to the episode.
Guys ,
Everyweek coming up with some mind blowing lines.
How you do it is totally beyond me.
I some how own this page, nobody is on this page but me.
I m here again to acknowledge something . I mean it a kind of word of recognition. I know it is coming from a hillbilly . Still , I am obligated to do so.
In a nut shell, I got 88 out of 100 for a 10-page long research.I lost 5 percent on the refference part and cover page.
Back int old school the highest I got was 73 out of 100 , mostly copy and pase. This time around though ,it is all my own words. The point I am trying to reach hear is that before I joined Eslpod I had inundated myself with tins of grammar ,writing text book. I used study a new English-related text books, and I am not exagering . It had become a way of life for me. I ,totally lost in a huge pile of English text books ,couldn’t come up with a decent introduction , no to mention the body, unless I spend infinity for it. The end result always was and explodedhead with nothing on the page in front of me(honest to God)
Now, swear to God , I did the whole thing from scratch in two days . I mean , all the research and writing. And it is all because of Eslpod. Since my initiation:) with Eslpod I have not touched even one English text book. Literally , not even one. I wanna add here that I spent thousand dollars on English text books.
Reading the research everything was coming to me from no where. I just put down the pen on the paper and there you go an introduction was there. The whole time I was feeling the presence of Eslpod materials there and all I would be thinking was Jeff and Lucy.
It is amazing . You gave me the skills , not those numerous text books that would give me the enormous headache.
Thanks Eslpod
There is no particle of exageration on all I said above. I have been studying English ales for my whole adult life, but you learned me the language of shakespear nothing else. For that , I owe you Jeff , Lucy ,Warren ,and all the back room boys big time.
Sorry if I a too much. I am totally carried away
Love you Eslpod
Lucy your innate ability on creating your canon was the biggest help for the attempt.
I learned a decent punctuating technique from you not any Text books out there. Given the fact that you do all this for free, you are something Lucy!
You are something
God bless your heart
Possessing an acceptable working English command was my childhood dream.
Wondering why u guys never address black Friday
How is the shopping madness in US:)
Y know what I m talking about