Links in Blog Comments

Thank you to everyone who has been posting comments to our blog. Lucy and I appreciate it!

We have received some posts recently with website links (addresses). For security reasons, we prefer not to post any active links in the comment sections. The reason is that it takes extra time for us to investigate these links and make sure they are not spam or are not redirecting you to another site. (We receive a lot of spam messages on the comments section!) For that reason, we have decided not to put active links in the comments. We know this is inconvenient, but most things can be found using a simple Google search, so if you mention something you saw (such as a YouTube video or newspaper article), most people will be able to find it another way.

Thank you for your understanding – and your great participation on our blog!


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3 Responses to Links in Blog Comments

  1. Oleg says:

    Thanks Jeff!
    I think everybody will follow that. The easiest way would be to simply cut links if they’re posted in comments…

  2. ESLPodcast Google Group says:

    We understand your concerns..
    Unfortunally we are exposed to it.
    The current data from TopTenREVIEWS show that 40% of all emails are spam, and daily are send more than 12 bilions of spam messages.

  3. emiliano says:

    We do understand it perfectly and of course we all thank you for this great idea of the blog.

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