ESL Podcast is among a select group of Featured Providers on the Podcast page of the U.S. verison of iTunes! Only 46 companies are listed as being the most popular providers of podcasts, including the BBC, CNN, and now, ESLPod. The Featured Providers are selected by iTunes to feature (to publicize, to let others know about, to highlight) the best podcasts available.
Each country’s iTunes has a different list of featured providers, so you may not see it on your country’s Podcast page.
This is Denzel from USA. Your show is awesome, I really love it. Congratulations and best wishes!
In Spain if you see TOP PODCAST in education, you may see 1 Por Fin Aprende Ingles, 2 English for Spanish, 3,4,5,6 BBC Service, and 7 English as a Second Lenguage.
But I do not agree with this list at the least, because of course ESL shoul be the first without any doubt.
I have being proving these and other podcast before finding Jeff and Lucy, and afterward I do not prove any more. I have passed directly to listen to audio books, little by little, simultaneously with the hearing of my good friends of ESL. And as much you listen ESL as much you are able to understand more difficult english.
I have repited 4 and 5 times nearly all ESL podcast and always I have found something new in them.
Thak you Jeff and Lucy for your good work. You are the one besides your are like friends for a lot of people, me too.
Wow, congratulations ESL Pod Team…
I know the since it was a small web site.
Now when I see it among company like Disney, ESPN and others, is wonder.
I always say “No pain, no gain”.
congratulations again.