Podcasts This Week (March 21, 2011)

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ESL Podcast 670 – To Forgive and Forget

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “much less” and “spat.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Flowers With Special Meanings.”
“Some flowers have unusual names that “evoke” (make an image or idea come to one’s mind) certain images when people hear them. For example, there is a plant with “clusters” (groups) of small blue or “indigo” (dark blue) flowers called…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

English Cafe 286

Topics: Ask an American – Louisville Slugger; globe versus sphere versus orb; on/by horseback; to hit one’s funny bone; to stub one’s toe

In the Learning Guide:  Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about the movie Field of Dreams.
“The 1989 movie Field of Dreams is about a farmer in Iowa who walks through his corn “fields” (areas of land where something is grown) and hears a voice “whispering” (talking very softly and quietly)…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

ESL Podcast 671 – Vacationing on an Island

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “island” and “to be cut off from (someone/something)”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Island Vacation Locations in the Southern U.S.”
“…[T]here are also many island vacation spots in the southern United States, too, although they are less well known. Some are romantic, others are historical, and still others are simply fun to visit…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

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4 Responses to Podcasts This Week (March 21, 2011)

  1. Peter says:

    Within the confine of my fastidious bachelor path , I eventually felt a touch of happiness , short but real!!
    Alis, the happiness walked out on me again.

    We are all damaged, in life and in love ; we must choose which imperfections we can live with.

  2. Peter says:

    Love is in the air like humidity,just take it in.

  3. Peter says:

    Jeff ,on Sunday
    I went to a bar with my Irish friends
    They play all rugby
    We went there after the game
    It was all fun
    Here ,they celebrated dog three years
    We sang,and drank
    It was a fun night
    Then ,I crashed on my friends coach
    The while thing I was thinking of you and that you are irish
    How come you are not into rugby

  4. Peter says:

    Jeff I have been mooching English materials off you for over 5 years. What did I do for you in return? Nothing just a bunch of sweat nothings.
    Holly cow,
    5 years constant English lessons from top profs.
    Dear country blogs,
    We are blessed this time not by the touch of God but by the touch of Eslpod:))
    Do sth, for crying outloud , do sth
    Time to give something back.
    You guys don’t know how good you have it
    come live here for just two months to realize the vital service has been rendering to you for all these blessed years for free.
    Come live and see without Eslpod here we can’t even breath because we couldn’t even say breath.
    There is an Expresion -ikehere that says:
    Nothing is for free
    Eslpod has negated it
    It must have been modified to:
    Eslpod aside,nothing is for free
    Jeff ,
    Are you sure you are not God or something.
    Err is human ,Jeff
    Please make some:)

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