Podcast This Week (June 28, 2010)

ESL Podcast 594 – Competition and Prizes

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to take (someone) on” and “to play for.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Popular Children’s Games Requiring Little or No Equipment.”
“Toy stores sell many “elaborate” (fancy; with many pieces) games for children to play with, but many of the best children’s games are played with little or no special equipment…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

English Cafe 248

Topics: Area 51 and Roswell; American Cities: Baltimore; that versus which; right away versus straightaway

In the Learning Guide:  Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about the movie E.T. The Extraterrestrial
“Many of us are curious about “outer space,” the large and “mysterious” (difficult to understand or know) areas beyond the planet Earth. One thing that has “captured our imagination”…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

ESL Podcast 595 – Suffering from Allergies

In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to tilt” and “to spot.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Common Allergies Among Americans.”
“Many Americans have allergies and these are some of the most common. Common food allergies include peanuts, “dairy” (milk and milk products), wheat, soy, and “shellfish” (fish from the ocean with hard shells, like oysters and crabs)…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide

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One Response to Podcast This Week (June 28, 2010)

  1. Kuong Do says:

    I like the English Cafe this week. I like American cities.

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